Caylen, Phillip and Owen Mulder have a conversation with Zachary Burgart who is a former Reconnaissance Marine, and fellow HOG.
Zachary recently made a trip to Ukraine with the intention of providing aid to the people by means of medical support and training, basic infantry skills training, and logistical coordination for the newly established citizen army. Zach gives us his perspective on what he witnessed and provides valuable insight as to the morale of the Ukrainian people and the overall situation as he saw it.
If you’d like to provide any donations to the charity organizations that Zach represented on his trip, you can find those links below.
Training Company -
Zachary’s Website -
Zachary’s Instagram - @zacharyaloysius.artist
Join the Modern Day Rifleman Network: https://www.mdsschoolhouse.comwww.moderndayrifleman.comModerndaysniper.comMDS Instagram