Extensive guide to mastering precision shooting, with detailed lessons on rifle components and practical insights to enhance shooting accuracy and performance.
There’s a TON of information out there on the “best” rifle components. But what’s “best” for them might not be the best for you.
If you’re new to the precision rifle world and want to get started on the right path that suits your needs AND your budget, look no further. We’ve got you.
We created a program to equip you with the most up-to-date information in the world of precision shooting.
Following our lessons we’ll coach you through the circle of components and show you how to lock down all the possible variables in your system.****By the time you complete this training** you’re going to have an in-depth understanding of your precision shooting system like you’ve never had before.**You’ll know these components inside and out**, and with that knowledge you’ll be able to troubleshoot eventual problems you’ll experience down the road on your own.
Everyone on The Internet Wants to Act Like an Expert?
Trouble is when you give your attention to all the noise on the internet, you’ve got no idea who these people are, what experience they have and no way to gauge the quality of the informationThere’s nothing more frustrating for me than cruising some of the more popular Facebook groups and watching the bogus information that people are putting out there on what to buy and what not to buy.It’s an absolute mess out there.
Again, we’re not here to sell you on any one thing, but to arm YOU with the information you need to make solid, educated decisions about what gear you actually need.Learning about rifle barrels is going to guide you into making the right choice for your needs.Understanding rifle actions and how to install them into a rifle stock or chassis is going to result in fewer problems for you down the road with things coming loose, and the comfort you have while shooting.Selecting a riflescope and then learning how to mount it is probably the single most important aspect of your precision shooting system.Hint: Letting the guy at Bass Pro Shops mount your scope is never a good idea…Finally, understanding how different brands of ammunition interact with your precision shooting system is a huge deal.
There’s NOTHING worse than shooting 50-60 shots noticing subpar performance at first, then watching it get worse only to find out later it was something totally avoidable like a loose scope mount base, loose action screws.That’s frustrating, no doubt. We’ve all experienced it, and we set this masterclass up so you wouldn’t have to experience that again.
We respect your time, it’s valuable.Well, consider…research takes time.Then, you spend your money, which takes time to make. You show up to a class that takes both time and money (a lot of each) only to realize that your experience at that event isn’t going to be maximized because you’re fighting problems with your equipment. Why not let us do the heavy lifting for you? We’ve got over 35 years combined experience within the precision shooting world. We know what works, and what doesn’t.