An all-inclusive Modern Day Sniper Immersion - an introductory level long range shooting class that will give you the foundation you need to be able to hit targets at long range - consistently and intentionally - on your own.
The journey begins here at the Introduction to Long Range Shooting class. Do you have an interest in getting into long range shooting as an enthusiast or a hunter? Look no further as there’s simply not another more comprehensive class out there that focuses on developing a solid foundation of skills that will set you up for success on your journey of becoming a modern day rifleman.
There are A LOT of Long Range Shooting schools out there now touting 2-day packages and 3-day packages that claim they can get you to a point of competency with a precision rifle. Having had a scoped rifle in my hands for over 30 years now, and administering instruction to people for the past couple decades, I can state, with certainty, that a 2-day package simply won’t get you to a point where you can competently and successfully accomplish the tasks associated with hitting targets at long range in a consistent manner. It’s just not enough time to really solidify the concepts, and the processes. When you leave that class, you won’t be where you need to be to go to the range by yourself and be successful. A 3-day might get you there, but I’d bet that even after 3 days you’re still going to feel as if you’re just barely touching competency.
The Introduction to Long Range Shooting class starts at the ground-level as we teach you about the important points of your rifle, optic, and ammunition and how they work together to produce the precise results you’re looking for. From there, you’ll dive deep into the fundamentals of marksmanship, teaching you how to shoot your rifle to both its, and your own capabilities. From there, we’ll jump into the science of long-range shooting, discussing everything you need to know to be successful on your own, and giving you achievable goals and confidence.
Next, we’ll give you an exposure to how to read the largest variable in long range shooting, the wind, and how to make accurate adjustments when you don’t get it right. You’ll wrap up your introduction to long range shooting with a brief dabble into shooting off of your belly, and you’ll know where your strengths and weaknesses are after you complete our basic Modern Day Rifleman evaluation.
As with all of our training classes, we’re about performance, and building training programs that give you goals and proven methods to help you achieve your goals. Our Introduction to Long Range Shooting class and the shooter it produces is the standard that others aspire to in the world of precision shooting.
This class is for shooters of all skill levels looking to establish a fundamental baseline with modern marksmanship mechanics. For the 15 years that we’ve been teaching this curriculum, we have had students in attendance who have never touched a precision rifle, to a 20-year career Scout Sniper and former Scout Sniper Instructors who all obtain some level of increased knowledge and proficiency.