Our Skills Progression class focuses on diving deeper into reading wind and making accurate corrections, and diagnosing errors in your alternate shooting positions.
After you solidify your understanding of the foundations of marksmanship, the basics of how to predict where your bullet will be in time and space, and how to interpret wind conditions well enough to get your bullets onto your targets, it’s time to step it up a notch.
I’m not a fan of using the word “advanced” when it comes to much of anything. The goal that we’re striving for is to become “unconsciously competent” while we execute the basics. Those basics being tasks such as loading, unloading, identifying and reducing malfunctions, identifying mechanical issues with your precision shooting system, building shooting positions that are fundamentally sound and consistent, and finally delivering shots with control. Once those tasks are submitted to the subconscious mind we can then start increasing our cognitive bandwidth to process more information in the same amount of time, without feeling overwhelmed.
We’re working towards the famous “flow state” of the mind. This is the goal with the Skills Progression Class.
We want everyone to be able to come to this class with the intention of advancing their level of unconscious competence, regardless of where you are on the skills spectrum. Even if you just completed the Intro to Long Range class a couple days prior, you’re going to be able to com to this Long Range Skills Progression Class and take your newfound skills to the next level. You may be on the upper end of the skills spectrum, perhaps fighting against a plateau that you can’t get over, or you’re looking for a structured approach to coaching. This is where you’ll find it.
No matter what the venue provides us with target sizes, ranges, shooting props, or wind conditions we’ll help you take your skills to the next level with focused shooting drills and expert level coaching. If it’s windy - we’ll work on wind calls and hitting small targets with intention. If it’s calm, we’ll work on alternate shooting positions and teach you how to take control of your mind so you can release every single shot with intention, and control.
We’re here to build on your foundation, refine your motor skills, and teach you how to explore more potential within yourself, by yourself.
The goal? Create a self-sufficient shooter who can operate autonomously, and effectively.
This clinic is for the Developed Beginner/Proficient/Expert shooter who is searching for methods and training to help them commit the fundamentals of modern marksmanship techniques to the subconscious.